Thursday, 2 September 2010

Nostalgic Mix Fair, Ocober 9th, Totnes civic hall

More information to follow, both here and at


  1. Hi Lidi
    It was lovely to meet you and Lesley, and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the fair in October. My hubby couldn't believe it when I told him about your Grandma being born at Moira, and your family originating from this area - it is such a small world isn't it?

  2. Hi! i'm so glad you got in touch, and thanks for following my blog! I had to text my uncle in Ashby to say i'd met you, he said "yo shudderer exxened ere what es caperin onwaye in Totnes!" which is exactly what my grandma would've said, i'm guessing as you're from Devon that doesn't mean much to you either! "eh up me duck" is about the extent of my "Moira" language! See you in October xx
